27 de febrero de 2023

Overlay Rpi Firmware: disable Wifi, Bluetooth and easy Shutdown Button

Rpi's Firmware has many posibilities to configure changing /boot/config.txt file

Usefull overlays:

Disable bluetooth:

Name: disable-bt
Info: Disable onboard Bluetooth on Pi 3B, 3B+, 3A+, 4B and Zero W, restoring
UART0/ttyAMA0 over GPIOs 14 & 15.
N.B. To disable the systemd service that initialises the modem so it
doesn't use the UART, use 'sudo systemctl disable hciuart'.
Load: dtoverlay=disable-bt
Params: <None>

Disable wifi:

Name: disable-wifi
Info: Disable onboard WLAN on Pi 3B, 3B+, 3A+, 4B and Zero W.
Load: dtoverlay=disable-wifi
Params: <None>

Safe shutdown button:


Hey Shane,
No this won’t but if you wire the button to GPIO3 and add
to /boot/config.txt it will give you a safe shutdown and start up again.

You can find out more about it in the overlay readme search for shutdown and you will find it.
@Josh Told me about this just after I finished writing the tutorial.


Tested in my Rpi4: NOT WORK !!!

other recipe:

Tentsing this:

Include in /boot/config.txt and reboot



seems that nt work with GPIO_3 = SCL

Changing to GPI #17


Include into /boot/config.txt and reboot


YES, it's WORKS, can shutdown rpi4 with switch from GPIO#17 -- GND




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